Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who Has A Perfect Record Of Economic Forecasting?

"We always know where he stands . . . when he wraps up an interview."


What a contrast between the amorphous and anonymous poll of economists (mentioned at the beginning of the report) who supposedly say that the recession will come to an end shortly. Who are they? Let them go on record and say "If I am wrong I will admit that I am a quack and never again make the claim that I am an economist!" They would rather remain anonymous!

Then you have the super-quack Paul Krugman (Nobel Laureate of Wackonomics) who, when the economy falls further into the abyss, will claim that it was because no one took his loony advise of exponential Keynesian quackery!

Yes we do know where Ron Paul stands and if you look back in the past you will see that he predicted the mess we are in now. And as a classical liberalism scholar and an Austrian economist he knows exactly where we are going unless there is real change.

For example: If the Federal Reserve is audited and the people demand justice then the future will be somewhat different than if everything is kept as it is. Ron Paul would then adjust his prediction and again be on the mark!

For more information go to my website.

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