Thursday, November 8, 2012

What Every Student Of Economics Should Know!

The defining quality of entrepreneurship is alertness. It is essential for those striving to become aware of economic realities to check this out:

Divine Economy Theory And Worldwide Prosperity!

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For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Wise Know The Importance Of Capital And Entrepreneurship.

Not only is capital the most limiting factor in the economy (which means it should be focused on) but it is also the transformative factor (which means it should be focused on). That is why capital-based economics (synonym for Austrian economics) is real economics because it puts emphasis on what can have a real effect. The alertness of the entrepreneur is the driving force.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Social Cooperation Reveals The Key To The Economy!

Henry Hazlitt went into great detail in his book The Foundations of Morality” about the powerful means/ends potency of social cooperation as being the essence of the economy. It was from that platform that I developed the 'Human Civilization Equilibrium" that then laid the foundation for my book about economic justice ("Liberty & Justice of Economic Equilibrium"). 

Now it is possible to better grasp the spiritual nature of the economy. Ethical economics implies that it is not just the intellect that is operating in the economy, and it is the idea of social cooperation that helps to bridge that line of reasoning. Sure it is intellectually understood that when people cooperate the outcome is greater but people and their decisions are not merely numbers to be added. The process involves human bonds that are not captured by numbers.

At the heart - and the heart is a good symbol - is the process of social cooperation which is maximized by love. When there is love social cooperation is maximized and when social cooperation is maximized the economy is in a highly perfected state.

As humans we want to exercise our full powers and the science that studies and theorizes about our actions (praxeology) needs to be fully equipped to handle the task. The divine economy theory recognizes that love is a powerful force in the human reality and it recognizes that it is the purest motivator of social cooperation. And the divine economy theory recognizes that social cooperation is the highest means/ends operating in the economy.

Succinctly: in the divine economy love engenders social cooperation which optimizes the economy!!!

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Educating Is Difficult When The State Controls Everything.

For thirty years the great classical liberal and Austrian economist (a scholar of the Austrian school of economic thought) has served on committees that determined the direction of Congressional action towards the monetary system and yet still the Congress tries to fix massively excessive debt and spending with more debt and spending with the help of its counterfeiting operation (Federal Reserve)!

For thirty years Congress ignored this brilliant statesman and most people knew very little about the fraudulent fiat currency system because the dollar served as a world reserve currency, masking this insolvent system.

Educating people about economics has been very difficult because the State controls the education system and the monetary system and the political system and the media. But since there is an internet that enables people to bypass the propaganda, now people are learning about ethical economics and economic justice.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Women & Men Equally Qualified To Study Divine Economy Theory.

It is an indisputable fact that women have been deprived of equal education throughout history and that is the only reason for the differences between the accomplishments of men and women. In a way that education gap is still a burden for women because the starting point for women generally lags behind, requiring exceptional determination and perserverence and courage to achieve equality and the associated respect.

But the divine economy theory is new upon the scientific and moral horizon. There is therefore no headstart or advantage for either man or woman.

This is extremely exciting news both in terms of justice and for the possibility of a social experiment. Will women excel and even prove to have a degree of superiority in the concepts and principles that constitute the divine economy theory? Will the societal transformation that results from the flow of knowledge that is explained in the divine economy theory demonstrate that the capacity of women is very great?

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Peter Schiff Knows The Real State Of The Union!

It is probably an unspoken goal of public education to keep the people vulnerably ignorant to increase the effectiveness of the propaganda that the State pumps through its State-controlled media outlets.

For a refreshing analysis of the real economic conditions that surround us, spend the next 14 minutes listening to Peter Schiff. This is in direct contrast to the smoke and mirrors of the political class (that is, both of the rhetorical heads of the single party in the U.S., which is controlled by the unConstitutional coup) that is destroying our Constitutional Republic.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link: