Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ron Paul And Other Austrian Economists Knew This Was Going To Happen!

Prophetic? No more prophetic than Ludwig von Mises, Fredrich Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Murray Rothbard, and Lew Rockwell, etc.!

What is amazing and awe-inspiring to those who are used to the lies, and schemes, and the continual failure of the predictions of the charlatans who serve the ego-driven interventionists, is merely a sound understanding of true economics. All the Austrian economists knew this was going to happen and many of them knew the likelihood that it would unravel as it has unraveled.

That is not to belittle in any way the greatness of our standard bearer and the greatest statesman probably ever to live, yet on this planet!

Ron Paul knew what was going to happen because he understands cause and effect. And he knows where to look if there are negative effects taking place. Government intervention in the economy is always the cause of negative effects. It is an impossibility that economic intervention could ever have a positive effect.

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