Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Consequences of No Ron Paul!

Some of the consequences of not electing Ron Paul are major and some are minor. The major ones are clearly addressed by Dr. Paul in his writings and speeches.

Bankrupcy of America is on the immediate horizon and, other than Ron Paul, there is no one who has the knowledge and courage to face this problem head on. Consequently no Ron Paul means financial ruin for America and there will be no one who can educate the citizens; instead there will be lies and scapegoating and propaganda, and subsequently increased pressures towards serfdom.

Welfare will be touted as what we need if there is no Ron Paul. The dependency on government (that was created by the welfare state) makes a complacent populace which is one of the reasons why it could be possible that there is no Ron Paul. The welfare state is a class society made up of two distinct classes: the dependents and the ego-driven interventionists. The ego-driven interventionists oppose Ron Paul and the ones who are dependent have to choose between righteousness and serfdom. Wake up!

War is the consequence of no Ron Paul. His voice has been ignored just like the Constitution and the counsel of the founding fathers have been ignored. Continuing down that road: loss of life and limb and sanity is the consequence; loss of civil liberties in the form of an expanded military draft and the ignoring of habeas corpus is the consequence; internal strife and chaos and a magnified exposure to revenge-seeking nationals who will come from nations that we have invaded are the consequences; complete loss of respect for America around the world is the consequence; and a crippling dependency on foreign governments in whose debt we are is the consequence of no Ron Paul.

The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer as a consequence of no Ron Paul. Only Ron Paul stands before the people and stands before Congress and stands before the Federal Reserve and exposes the deceit. He is the only one who talks about the inflation tax and how it impoverishes most to enrich a few. Only he calls the counterfeiter a counterfeiter and demands an end to fiat currencies.

A cheapening of health care is the consequence of no Ron Paul as socialized medicine drains all decency out of 'health' and 'care.'

Education at all levels will be subject to even more pervasive propaganda as a consequence of no Ron Paul. Already the government makes sure that 'government' is seen as the solver of problems rather than as the source and cause of problems. Ron Paul is a true educator. He is teaching us that when our government ignores the Constitution it is immoral, it is unjust. It is tyranny.

There are other major consequences of no Ron Paul. And there are many, many minor consequences of no Ron Paul.

You can vote, which means that the consequences of no Ron Paul are fully within your control, fully within your grasp and not out of your reach. Vote for peace. Vote for prosperity. Vote for Constitutional government. Vote for civil liberites. Vote for true education. Vote for health and care. Who said you have only one vote? Make it count!

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